This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. I think I read it in a fortune cookie…
It’s in alignment with another of my favorite quotes; “It’s not what you SAY but what you DO that is remembered”
As business owners we can “talk” all day long to our customers and clients about what we do but nothing has the impact of DEMONSTRATING what we can do.
Here are some examples of “saying things”:
A Tagline; “Best Burgers in Town!”
A slick brochure with product photos.
A booth at a tradeshow.
These are great but here’s what you have to add…
Examples of “doing things”;
Focusing on quality work and gathering reviews and testimonials.
Perfecting your product or service and pursuing industry awards.
Slowly building a cult following for your business by consistently exceeding expectations.
It’s what we DO that is remembered. There’s a lot of people out there talking but they’ll eventually run out of breath…and money…
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