If you don’t go “ALL-IN” when starting a business, you’re not going to succeed.
If you do go “ALL-IN” (and quit your job) when starting a business, you’re crazy.
One of the great paradoxes of Life and Business. A double-edged sword, a catch-22.
You’re working a job, a 9-5. You’re spending your precious time making someone else wealthy.
You’re ready to strike out on your own and if you don’t give it everything you’ve got, you’ll fail. Trust me, I’ve been there. If you’re ready to walk away from your job before your business is established though, you’re nuts. The stress will eat you alive.
So how do you do it? You lead a double life, that’s how. Your 40-hour per week just became a 100+ hour per week.
You start selling (and only selling) a product or service that you know and love to anyone that will listen. You hire a company to design a logo, a website and a social media presence (that was subtle wasn’t it…lol) and you go to work selling. Once you have commitments on sales that will allow you to quit your job without missing a beat, then you do so.
It’s simple in concept, but no-one said it’s easy…
– Daniel is the owner of Obvious Advertising. Some of his favorite clients are solo-preneurs. The people that have gone out on their own. With a little support, they were able to make it. Sales Managers don’t like Daniel…