As a Real Estate Agent, you know that you have to maintain a presence on Social Media. It’s simply the most efficient way to stay top of mind in your community.
You’re busy, sure, but you can certainly find the time post ONCE PER DAY. The question is, with such limited time, WHAT do you post?
This is a REALLY important question because the “shareability” of your posts is the key ingredient. One good post, shared 50 times, could reach thousands of people. You’ll pay hundreds of dollars to reach that many people on TV, Radio or Billboard.
You need a plan. You need to keep it simple but also to have a structure to what you’re doing. That’s why we recommend posting evenly to 3 distinct social media categories; Happenings, Subject Matter Expertise and Calls to Action.
- Happenings: These are posts where you show the lighter side of your business. Photos of you, your staff and the events you attend are perfect here. Basically, if something fun happens you should create a post out of it. In business, people do business with people they know, like and trust. This category of posts will help them get to know you and (hopefully) like you.
- Subject Matter Expertise: This is where you take the time to demonstrate expertise in your chosen field. The people that hire you want to know that you know your stuff. It’s also easier than you think. Even just re-posting an article on first-time homebuyer tips is sufficient. You’ll gain credibility by association. This is the category that starts to build trust.3. Calls to Action: This is the final piece of the puzzle. It lets people know that you’re ready to do business. Nice, happy, pretty posts are great and sharing your knowledge is even better but it’s all for nothing if you don’t indicate that you want the business. Here, you might advertise an open house, offer a buyer’s agent incentive on a listing or offer a free CMA when booking a listing appointment. With this app you can not only see the listings and every offer near you but you can get your furniture online form the TV Bed Store in town, and other new tech stores for your furniture and appliances.
The bottom line is you need a plan. At the end of the day when your tired, you need to be able to quickly and easily put together a post that does more than just fill space on someone’s timeline. You should already have fun photos on your phone, you should already have a few articles saved on your desktop and you should always have a something ready to offer…
As always, if you need help or a little advice please reach out HERE.
Daniel is the owner of Obvious Advertising, specializing in Web Design, Social Media and Graphic Design. Some of his favorite clients are Realtors. They don’t typically have a lot of time or patience…Daniel does though…
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