I was reminded today of a great analogy I heard years ago regarding a Million Dollar Racehorse. The description started like this…if you bought a prize-winning racehorse as an investment, with the purpose of putting him in a series of races you’d be careful how you looked after him…

The prize money in Horse Racing in the States can be in excess of a million dollars per race, meaning that a top-performing horse can bring in tens of millions of dollars in a several year career.

You too, as a top-performing individual can amass literally millions of dollars over the course of your career.

The analogy described how, if you had an asset (a prize racehorse in this case) that had the potential to net you millions of dollars, you wouldn’t let him smoke cigarettes, drink beer and stay up all night…

If you did, he’d quickly turn into a mediocre performer and wouldn’t generate anywhere near his potential. He’d get entered in less races and eventually fade away and be forgotten.

If you have an asset with that much potential you’d give him the best of everything. The best nutrition, the best medical care. You’d hire a personal trainer to keep him in the best shape. You’d treat him like the money-making machine he is…

So why don’t we treat ourselves like that? Why do we smoke, do drugs and drink ourselves to death. Why do we eat fast food and live dormant lives. We sit in front of the TV and wonder why nothing positive is happening.

YOU are a Million Dollar Racehorse with so much potential. You need to look after yourself. If you feed your body and mind only great things, you have the ability to make a million dollars. HOW WELL you treat yourself will be the difference in HOW FAST you make it…

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